Ferro13 “Hashtag”


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About me¬
I am the alter ego of ALBERTO ZAMPINI; I am the symbol of aggregation, I unite content and keywords. I live on social media; I represent the present and the future.

Place of birth¬
The hills of Eastern Veneto. Harvested in early September. Alcohol content of 12.5%.

My grapes are collected at low temperatures and cold macerated for approximately 7 days. Once pressed and while I am still must, I ferment at no more than 14°C for the duration of the vinification which lasts approximately 30-40 days. I remain on my lees for over 3 months with continuous batonage which means my bouquet remains unaltered. After assemblage, I rest in a vat for a month before being bottled.

Character and style¬
I am a modern, social personality, with an eye for trends and changes. I am down to earth and I express people’s sentiments. I am liked for my marked bitter and mineral flavour; my bouquet recalls white flowers and notes of chili.


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